News — coffee

Christopher Schoenbach
plant growing

The top 4 eco-hacks to reuse coffee grounds for gardening

Are you still throwing away your used coffee grounds? You’re missing out on post-coffee circular treats! Literally, like oyster mushrooms for instance! Check out this post where CoffeeHack brewed up the top 4 eco-hacks to reuse coffee grounds for gardening (and not only that!).

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Christopher Schoenbach
female coffee farmer

Women empowerment: How CoffeeHack is changing coffee business

Do you want to support women empowerment in the coffee business as much as we do? Then, don’t miss out this interview! Patricia Schoenbach, a CoffeeHack advisor, coffee expert and activist will reveal how to hack the coffee supply chain to promote gender equality. Plus, we’ve got a delicious surprise in store for you. The success story behind our upcoming women-produced blend: The Lioness!

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Christopher Schoenbach
blueberries antioxidants

4 coffee biohacks that will boost your health

Are you after a healthy boost to go through your busy days? Do you want to be more focused yet less stressed? With coffee biohacking you can get much more than that! This article will reveal the supernatural potential of this life-changing trend. Plus, you’ll find out about CoffeeHack’s magic formulas for biohacking your body and mind.

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